
Kate seeks to work with business leaders committed to creating positive change in their organisations and society, and challenges them to leverage their unique strengths to deliver results they are proud of.

Utilising the 3Rs Model of Leadership, Kate will encourage individuals to gain clarity on their values, and help them to create SMART goals that are in alignment with the professional and personal lives they are trying to create.  

If you’d like to gain further insight into the coaching process and arrange a complimentary 30 minute consultation, please get in touch via our Contact Page.

I spent eleven years at Harvard and nineteen at Cambridge University so my standards are high and my expectations also. Kate was extraordinarily effective and of the greatest help to me. Never have I been introduced to a new environment with more warmth, grace and intelligence. She is a very good coach. 

Charles Hampden-Turner BA, MBA, DBA, FRSA: Visiting Professor at London Metropolitan University and Emeritus Research Fellow at Judge Business School at the University of Cambridge

In only a few sessions we created a plan to celebrate my achievements ,  build on them and so enabling me to move forward in a sustainable way. Kate gave me the confidence to think outside the box and continue to challenge the norm,  to push the boundaries of my goals and focus on a future that will create a positive legacy. 

Kate Bright CSyP, CInstLM, FRSA: CEO & Founder at UMBRA International Group, Non Executive Director & Trustee, Chartered Security Professional. Championing a Secure Lifestyle for all

Kate's Coaching Code of Conduct
  • I respect my relationship with both the individuals and their organisations and recognise that the context for my work is the organisation in which the individual is employed.
  • I am determined to continue improving my awareness of the implications of discriminatory attitudes surrounding differences including race, gender, sexuality, culture, neurodiversity, disability and age.I engage and invest in a continuing process of professional development that improves my practice as a coach
  • I work with an approved supervisor at all times
  • I maintain proper confidentiality of personal and commercial information obtained
  • I recommend that my clients seek the services of other professionals if I believe it to be appropriate
  • I create, maintain and store records of work done to ensure confidentially and compliance with local law
  • I undertake research that has appropriate approval, consent and protects confidentiality
  • I withdraw from the coaching relationship if, for whatever reason, I believe continuing is not in the best interest of the individual or the organisation